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National Assessment of Adult Restitution Programs, Preliminary Report 1 - Overview of Restitution Programming and Project Selection

NCJ Number
Date Published
26 pages
This Preliminary Report I of the National Assessment of Adult Restitution Programs describes the procedures for selecting the study sample, provides summary information for all projects included in the universe, and offers recommendations for the sample.
The overall purpose of the study is to present a state-of-the-art summary of adult restitution programs and develop operational models for programs emphasizing monetary restitution or community service projects within their jurisdiction which meet specified criteria. The first step of the sample selection process involved determining that identified projects met the primary criteria of emphasizing monetary restitution or community service for adult offenders. The second step consisted of a preliminary determination of the willingness of the project to be involved in the research. The third step involved selecting a recommended sample to meet the following goals: (1) a minimum of 60 percent of the projects involved in community service sentencing; (2) a diverse sample in the areas of administrative auspices, geographic distribution, residential and nonresidential status, and a place in the criminal justice system; and (3) preference to projects with a high percentage of felons, higher intakes, victim-offender involvement, and monitoring procedures. Tabular data are provided on the project universe, and the questionnaire is appended. For reports II and III, see NCJ 53953 and NCJ 79998 respectively.