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National Assessment of Adult Restitution Programs - Final Report

NCJ Number
J Hudson; B Galaway; S Novack
Date Published
428 pages
This final report of the National Assessment of Adult Restitution Programs provides a state-of-the-art summary and program models for the use of monetary restitution and community service restitution as sanctions for adult offenders.
The literature on restitution and community service is reviewed and integrated. The study's methodology is described, and findings are reported from a national survey to identify restitution and community service programs. The survey was required to identify the study population. The sample selection and research procedures used are described, along with the characteristics of the sample of projects selected for the national assessment study. Major features of the implementation of community service and monetary restitution are then discussed on the basis of data collected from the sample of 20 projects. Topics discussed in this regard include issues related to the development of the original project idea to a formal proposal submitted for funding consideration, major changes in project inputs, activities and outputs during the implementation period, and the major types of implementation problems encountered. Models of community service and monetary restitution synthesized from the study projects are presented. The developed models identify inputs, program activities, outputs, and outcomes. Both program models and client-movement models are presented. Major findings are presented from a survey of the perceptions of victims of offenders concerning the fairness of monetary restitution and community service. Study results are summarized, and future policy and research directions are suggested. A bibliography of about 400 listings is provided, and appended are a project screening schedule, a list and characteristics of 108 identified monetary restitution or community service projects, and project abstracts and flowcharts. Tabular data and diagrams are provided. (Author summary modified)