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National and International Security Threat of Narcotics Trafficking: Hearing Before the Caucus on International Narcotics Control of the United States Senate, June 8, 1987

NCJ Number
Date Published
104 pages
This 1987 hearing before the U.S. Senate Caucus on International Narcotics Control in New York City focuses on assessments of the national and international threat of international narcotics networks as well as national and international countermeasures.
Testimony is presented by New York City Mayor Koch, representatives of Federal law enforcement and prosecutorial agencies, members of the U.S. Congress, and Giovanni Falcone, a magistrate from Palermo, Italy. Testimony identifies source countries for cocaine and opium and the strategy of international narcotics networks in bringing drugs into the United States and other countries throughout the world. Countermeasures in the areas of supply and demand in the United States and specifically in New York City are described. Statistics on arrests and drug seizures are provided, and drug education and prevention programs are described. Justice Department officials explain the U.S. national and international drug strategy. Testimony on international efforts discusses both effective cooperation with drug source countries and the failure of some countries to cooperate in attacking drug trafficking at its source. Written statements are included.