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Narcotics Users Admitted in Budget Year 1987/88

NCJ Number
L Krantz; T Nilsson
Date Published
40 pages
This report provides statistics on the number and type of offenders entering the Swedish correctional system in 1987-1988 who were drug users.
Offenders sentenced to a prison term of more than 2 months or given a sentence of supervised probation are included in the statistics and classified as serious narcotics abusers, narcotics abusers, or nonusers. In 1987- 1988, 3,797 persons were categorized as abusers and 2,477 as serious abusers. About 24 percent of abusers were assigned to closed national institutions, 4 percent to open national institutions, 53 percent to closed local facilities, and 27 percent to open local facilities. The incidence of narcotics abuse among offenders at intake increased from 42 percent in 1983 to 65 percent in 1987-1988. Tables