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NAPAC (National Arson Prevention Action Coalition) - Final Report

NCJ Number
Date Published
16 pages
The following program components of the National Arson Prevention and Action Coalition had strong evidence of success: establishment of a national network of arson-impacted community groups, creation of a circulating library, and the provision of ongoing technical assistance.
Although a fourth program component, the establishment of a skills bureau, was planned, this component was later eliminated. In establishing a national network of arson-impacted community groups, the project succeeded in contacting 502 groups throughout the county; 19 organizations assumed leadership roles in network building by acting as sponsors of the three regional conferences. The conferences offered a variety of workshops tailored to participants' needs as well as training in research, analysis, and intervention to 265 people from 76 organizations. The circulating library grew from a passive storage facility to a strong supportive and outreach arm of network building and technical assistance. Most of the organizations in the network used the resources center for print, audiovisual, or other instructional resources. The library completed just over 400 transactions in the final two quarters of the project. In providing technical assistance, the project surpassed its own expectations by combining the resources of all project staff and by dovetailing different media for providing assistance, including individualized training, teaching seminars, and regional conferences. Over 100 organizations received training and followup and have been brought to self-sufficiency. Some implementation problems are noted.