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Music Against Drugs: An Evaluation of a Drugs Prevention Diversionary Activity, Paper 2

NCJ Number
L Parker
Date Published
37 pages
This is an evaluation of a drug prevention diversionary activity.
The Music Against Drugs project, targeted at young people who might be at risk of taking drugs, builds on existing interest in music among young people by providing instruments and tuition. The aim is to create and sustain positive activities and images to enable people to become or remain drug-free. The project was conceived as a diversionary activity, an innovative way to reach a population at risk of taking drugs. There is nothing unsound about the original idea. However, the project needs to be more firmly and constructively managed to ensure that the original goals are achieved. Networking with other providers should be established so that participants can be drawn into the project and, where appropriate, referred to other specialist services. The project must be responsive to the needs of the participants, and not be an introverted and isolated music session for a small group of people. The report presents information in the following areas: (1) The Project Workshop; (2) The Music; (3) Project Management; (4) Monitoring and Evaluation; (5) Outreach and Inter-Relationships; (6) Issues Around Self-Financing; and (7) Recommendations. Figures, appendixes