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Multitrait-Multimethod-Multirater Analysis of Performance Ratings for Law Enforcement Personnel

NCJ Number
Journal of Applied Psychology Volume: 66 Issue: 5 Dated: (1981) Pages: 625-632
R Lee; M Malone; S Greco
Date Published
8 pages
This study evaluates two different rating scales for police personnel, focusing on major problems associated with performance ratings.
A total of 144 deputy sheriffs in 3 Wisconsin counties were rated on 9 job performance dimensions using the 2 different rating scales. These rating scales were able to minimize the major problems often associated with performance ratings (i.e., leniency error, restriction of range, and low reliability). A multitrait-multimethod analysis indicates that the rating scales possess high convergent and discriminant validity. A multitrait-multirater analysis indicates that although the interrater agreement and the degree of rated discrimination on different traits by different raters are good, there is a substantial rater bias, or strong halo effect. This halo effect in the ratings, however, may be a legitimate general factor rather than an error. Possible explanations are discussed. Study data, reference notes, and 11 references are supplied. (Author abstract modified)


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