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Multi-Door Dispute Resolution Centers, Phase 1 - Intake and Referral Assessment, Executive Summary

NCJ Number
J A Roehl
Date Published
45 pages
According to a preliminary assessment, the intake and referral services of the Multi-Door Dispute Resolution Programs sponsored in three cities by the American Bar Association were effective in many ways.
The document first describes objectives of the Multi-Door Program's 18-month Phase I and the evaluation methodology. To prepare case studies of the three sites (Washington, D.C., Houston, and Tulsa, Okla.), researchers collected data through observation, staff interviews, materials review, followup interviews with complainants, and interviews with complainants, and interviews with referral agencies. The resulting case studies are summarized, and key program elements and issues discussed. The assessment found that thousands of citizens were assisted by the intake specialists. Over 40 percent of the by the intake specialists. Over 40 percent of the disputes brought to the intake services were ultimately resolved, often by the referral agency suggested by intake specialists. Reactions of citizens using the services and the referral agencies receiving dispute cases were very positive. Coordination and communication among legal and dispute resolution agencies improved in the program sites. Diagrams and 13 references.