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Moving the Goods: Italian-Style

NCJ Number
Security Management Volume: 33 Issue: 6 Dated: (June 1989) Pages: 81-84
R Maddalone
Date Published
4 pages
This article describes all aspects of security used in the transfer of valuables by Servizi Fiduciari (SEFI) in Italy, a security operation funded by major Italian banks.
"Transfer of valuables" refers to the physical transfer of objects having an intrinsic value (gold, jewels, precious metals) or representing a value (paper money, bonds, foreign currency) that occurs under safeguarded conditions on external routes. In performing this task, SEFI has a work force of approximately 500 employees and a fleet of cars and armored trucks. Over the years, SEFI has continued to upgrade its vehicles through the use of more technically advanced materials and sophisticated safety devices. A radio surveillance network permits a control station to track truck movements and monitor transactions as they occur. Communications between SEFI and its customers are coded. The transfer of valuables occurs by the truck's announcing its arrival with a special radio signal to the bank's receiver. A bank representative approaches the truck and inserts an identification card through a slot and then goes back into the bank. After confirming the ID, SEFI begins the transfer. The transporting of the valuables between the truck and the building and from the building entrance to a secure location within the building is the most vulnerable part of the transfer. The risk can be reduced by changing schedules and routes, making speedy transactions, and protecting transfer information. This article also discusses SEFI personnel selection and training.