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Moving Beyond Abuse: Stories and Questions for Women Who Have Lived With Abuse

NCJ Number
Kay-Laurel Fischer; Michael F. McGrane
Date Published
82 pages
This manual is intended for use by women who have experienced domestic assault; the manual provides guided journaling exercises to help readers write their personal thoughts on topics related to abuse in general as well as those related to their own personal experiences.
The eight principles on which the group program rests emphasize abuse as a learned behavior, women's lack of responsibility for a partner's abuse or control over the partner's abusive behavior, the need to address drug abuse and violence separately, and the individual nature of the women's answers and timing for addressing the abuse. The journaling exercises aim to reinforce what the reader learns in a women's domestic abuse group and help them further explore their thoughts on any individual topic related to abuse. The manual also aims to encourage future journaling as a way to address personal issues, ideas, thoughts, and feelings. The topics in the manual correspond to topics explored in a group led by a facilitator who uses a guide titled Journey Beyond Abuse. Among the 21 topics are an introduction to the group, definitions of abuse, patterns of abuse, emotional abuse, the most hurtful incident, the impact of negative messages, assertiveness, boundaries, shame and guilt, grief and loss, depression, self-care, healthy relationships, and evaluating new relationships. A story and a series of questions for the reader to answer accompany each topic. Forms