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Movement of Prison Population: Calendar Year 1990

NCJ Number
Date Published
57 pages
This report presents 1990 statistics on the movement of California's male and female inmate populations in prisons, community-based facilities, and reception centers.
Data include a summary of movements by institution and sex, the movement of prison populations (both sexes), the movement of male prison populations, and the movement of female prison populations. The latter are broken down by prisons, community-based facilities, and reception centers. During calendar year 1990, 39,272 new felon admissions were received from court, and 2,158 new civil narcotic addict admissions were received from court. A total of 2,277 county diagnostic cases were received, and 40,309 felon parole violators returned to custody. A total of 14,070 parole violators returned with a new term from court. There were 649 escape returns to institutions; 2,114 outpatients were returned to custody. A total of 82,419 felon inmates were released to parole from institutions and temporary release status. First releases to parole totaled 44,421, and 37,998 were re-released to parole. A total of 2,230 county diagnostic cases were discharged from institutions; 1,097 inmates escaped from prisons and community-based facilities. Other data indicate that 122 inmates died in institutions, 3,558 civil narcotic addicts were released to outpatient status, and 4,256 inmates were discharged from institutions. Extensive tabular data