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Motoring Offences, England and Wales 1996

NCJ Number
G Wilkins; C Addicott
Date Published
38 pages
This bulletin presents statistics on motoring offenses dealt with by the police in England and Wales in 1996 and earlier years, as well as statistics on penalty charge notices issued by local-authority parking attendants in Greater London from 1994 and the City of Winchester from 1996.
The number of motoring offenses handled by official police action or penalty charge notices in 1996 was 9.5 million. The number of offenses dealt with by fixed penalty notice issued by the police (including traffic wardens) was 3.3 million. In addition, 3.5 million penalty charge notices were issued by local-authority parking attendants. There were 2.3 million court proceedings for motoring offenses during 1996. Also, the number of speeding offenses dealt with by police action increased by 10 percent, from 689,000 in 1995 to 761,000 in 1996. Automatic cameras provided evidence for 313,000 offenses handled by police in 1996. Overall, these cameras provided evidence for 34 percent of speeding offenses processed by police. Twenty-four percent of offenses were handled with court proceedings during 1996, and 72 percent were disposed with fixed penalty notice or penalty charge notice. Nearly all obstruction and waiting and parking offenses were dealt with by fixed penalty or penalty charge notice, and nearly all offenses of driving after consuming alcohol or drugs were handled with court proceedings. 21 tables, 1 figure, 18 notes, and 2 references


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