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NCJ Number
Date Published
4 pages
Data on motor vehicle offenses in the State of Wisconsin are presented in a number of graphs.
State Uniform Crime Reports data are used to present a picture of motor vehicle theft offenses in Wisconsin. This includes theft or attempted theft of a motor vehicle. The geographic location of offenses are identified. During the 5-year period examined, Milwaukee reported 61.2 percent of all thefts in the State. Comparisons are made between Wisconsin's offense trends and those for the entire country and for the Midwest. Seasonal and arrest and clearance trends are also examined. The ratio of offenses to arrests and clearance rates have declined. Other information provided includes demographics of arrestees, relationship between population size and the number of motor vehicle thefts in the area and the types of vehicles involved. Data for these sections is from 1992 only. Over 68 percent of those arrested for motor vehicle offenses in 1992 were juveniles. The total value of the vehicles stolen and of those recovered is also indicated for each of the five years examined.