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Motivating Correctional Staff, Book I

NCJ Number
L P Leduc
J R Farber
Date Published
124 pages
This correspondence course was devised by the American Correctional Association to help correctional managers and supervisors motivate staff to be productive. The first book of the course examines the impact of attitudes on motivation, pinpointing behavior, and using goals to motivate staff.
Consideration is given to management attitudes toward employees, the performance cycle, the relation between beliefs and the way staff are treated, and ways to increase staff motivation. Attention is also paid to basic information employees need to know to perform their job well, problems that occur when supervisors use general statements, how communication affects performance, benefits of pinpointing behavior, differences between objective and subjective goals, and the goal-setting process. The self-instructional format of the course enables correctional managers to study during their free time and work at their own pace. Course topics range from pinpointing behavior and analyzing poor performance to using positive reinforcement and getting rid of undesirable behavior.