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Mortality Data From the Drug Abuse Warning Network, 2000

NCJ Number
Judy Ball; Lori Ducharme
Date Published
January 2002
155 pages
This report provides information on drug-induced and drug-related deaths identified in 2000 and submitted by participating death-investigation jurisdictions across the United States.
These cases identified through the Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN) reflect the number of drug abuse deaths reviewed, identified, and reported by participating medical examiners and coroners in selected metropolitan areas. Although these data do not necessarily represent the total number of deaths in which drug abuse was a causal or contributing factor in any given metropolitan area or in the Nation as a whole, they can be used to monitor changes over time. In 2000, 137 jurisdictions in 43 metropolitan areas submitted data to DAWN. A total of 36 metropolitan areas reported at least 30 drug abuse deaths in 2000. Full "metropolitan area profiles" are provided for each of these areas. The profiles include a number of tables that together show the number and characteristics of drug-related deaths reported to DAWN, along with recent trends among participating jurisdictions. Some metropolitan areas experienced substantial changes in the number of drug-abuse death cases from 1999 to 2000. Notably, Louisville reported a 76-percent increase in cases in 2000 compared to 1999 (from 61 to 109), and drug abuse cases in Wilmington, DE, increased 74 percent (from 31 to 54). This report provides information and data on the characteristics of drug-related deaths; drug combination patterns; major drugs of abuse (heroin, cocaine, and alcohol in combination with other drugs were the three most frequently mentioned drugs in reported cases); other drugs of abuse; "club" drugs; and the abuse of prescription and over-the-counter substances. Extensive graphic and tabular data and appended DAWN report form and a glossary of terms