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Morphology of Urban Space and Crimes Against Property in Lausanne in 1980

NCJ Number
G Riva
Date Published
217 pages
This dissertation explores the relationship between spacial aspects and the occurrence of property crime in the Swiss city of Lausanne for the year 1980.
Using existing studies and crime statistics, the dissertation focuses on the following variables: attractiveness of the target, location and accessibility of the target, and degree of surveillance of the target. Each of the following property crimes becomes the focus of a chapter: burglaries, simple theft, illegal use of a vehicle, and robberies. Like other international research, the study finds a definite correlation between the spatial environment and criminal activities. Especially, the attractiveness, anonymity, and high visibility of a target favor the occurrence of property crimes. Although the results of the study are valid only on a microcosmic level for Lausanne, they can alert the population and police to especially vulnerable areas. A bibliography, statistical calculations, and maps are appended.


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