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More Than a Billion Women Face 'Gender Based Violence'; Where Are Most Victims?

NCJ Number
John Simister
Date Published
October 2012
17 pages
This study examined gender-based violence (GBV) a global problem.
Gender-Based Violence (GBV) is a global problem. Many household surveys in the last few decades, by various agencies, have attempted to assess GBV prevalence. There are many problems in comparing data from different surveys, some of which are discussed in this paper. This paper takes the (controversial) approach of assuming findings from different surveys can be compared with each other, despite problems such as different question wording in different surveys. If this approach is accepted, it may help researchers identify which parts of the world have the worst problems of GBV. Evidence reported here can be used to test theories about causes of GBV, such as culture. It appears that GBV is more prevalent in some regions than others, but the cause of this geographical pattern is not clear. Abstract published by arrangement with Springer.