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Monthly Bulletin of Judicial Statistics, March 1981

NCJ Number
Maandstatistiek politie, justitie en brandweer Volume: 25 Issue: 3 Dated: (March 1981) Pages: complete issue
Date Published
24 pages
Tabulated data show Netherland's criminal police statistics for November 1980, statistics on persons taken into custody in the first three quarters of 1980, the population of penal institutions, suicide rates in 1979, and bankruptcies in January 1981 and since 1976.
Tables reporting crimes known to the police for the month of November list offenses by Province, by groups of municipalities, by nature of the offense, and according to the reporting police authority (i.e., State and municipal police and the Royal Marechaussee). Nonindictable offenses are also reported. Bankruptcies are shown by Province between 1976 and 1980, by municipality, by type of industry and trade, and by legal form. Additional data are given on fires for November 1980. The report consists entirely of tabular material.


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