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Monthly Bulletin of Judicial Statistics, December, 1980

NCJ Number
Maandstatistiek politie justitie en brandweer Volume: 24 Issue: 12 Dated: (December 1980) Pages: complete issue
Date Published
19 pages
This report comprises tabulated police crime statistics of the Netherlands for August, 1980.
Tables show crimes and nonindictable offenses recorded by the State and municipal police and by the Royal Marechaussee. Investigated and nonindictable offenses are tabulated by Province, by groups of municipalities, and by nature of the offense. Also reported are bankruptcies through October and in the first three quarters of 1980 by Province, in the 17 largest cities, by type of industry and trade, and by legal form. Fires in August are reported by Province, in the 17 largest municipalities, and by amount of loss. Tables and graphs compose the bulk of the document.