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Monograph: Monitoring and Evaluating Contracts

NCJ Number
Date Published
30 pages
This monograph describes plans and procedures for public juvenile corrections agencies to use in monitoring and evaluating corrections programs and services they have contracted to private organizations.
The basis for such contract monitoring and program evaluation is the public corrections agency's responsibility to ensure the cost-effectiveness of all operations under its jurisdiction. A discussion of the initiation of contract monitoring advises that the monitoring process should begin during the development of the request for proposals. Expanded monitoring requirements are then included in the successful proposal and finalized during contract negotiations. The basic elements of monitoring to be delineated in the contract are who, what, where, when, and how. A discussion of effective contract-monitoring approaches indicates that the primary purpose of contract monitoring is to ensure that both the contracting agency and the provider are complying with the terms and conditions of the contract. This is achieved by determining what is being done right, identifying what falls short, and working together to improve performance. Other topics discussed are the characteristics of the effective contract monitor, the development of a monitoring plan, the conduct of a program monitoring visit, and corrective action plans. The monograph provides a sample contract provider monthly report for juvenile residential facilities, a contract provider quarterly report for juvenile residential treatment, and a sample State monitor safety and health checklist.