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Monitoring Time Limits on Custodial Remands

NCJ Number
P F Henderson
Date Published
41 pages
Results of the monitoring of the implementation of time limits on custodial remand are presented for 1987-88. The 1985 Prosecution of Offenses Act empowered the Secretary of State to apply these limits to reduce the increasing population of prisoners remanded in custody prior to conviction.
The time spent in custody before summary trial and before committal is covered as well as the time in custody between committal from the magistrates' courts and arraignment at the Crown Court. Also examined are reasons for requesting adjournments, the proportion of cases overrunning the chosen limits, and the causes of that overrunning. Because of the small number of extension application refusals, the reasons for refusal are cited for individual cases by geographic area. It also considers data collected in the monitoring of three Crown Prosecution Service areas in 1987. Since these areas participated in the 1986 field trials and the 1988 monitoring, a more comprehensive evaluation of time limit is provided. 9 tables and 9 references


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