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Monitoring the Future - A Continuing Study of the Lifestyles and Values of Youth, 1983

NCJ Number
L D Johnston; J G Bachman; P M O'Malley
Date Published
18 pages
This report describes the 1983 research design and methodology for a continuing study of changes in American youths' values, behaviors, and lifestyles, with particular attention to drug use and related attitudes.
Ongoing annual surveys containing some 1,300 variables are administered to samples of high school seniors during the spring, beginning with the class of 1975. Each year approximately 125 public and private high schools are selected to provide an accurate cross section of high school seniors throughout the United States. The multistage sampling procedure involves selecting particular geographic areas, one or more high schools in each area, and seniors within each high school. In addition to measuring drug use and related attitudes, questionnaires deal with a wide range of other subjects, including attitudes about government, social institutions, race relations, women's changing roles, educational aspirations, occupational aims, and marital and family plans. The report also discusses the survey's representativeness and validity and describes the file structure as well as codebook, processing, and weighting information. 28 project-related publications listed.