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Models of Mediation (From Divorce and Family Mediation, P 48-64, 1985, James C Hansen, ed. - See NCJ-100688)

NCJ Number
S M Brown
Date Published
17 pages
Three models of divorce mediation -- the therapeutic model, the labor negotiations model, and the structured mediation model -- are described, along with the mediator techniques associated with each model.
One hallmark of the therapeutic model, which is typically used in court-connected divorce mediation, is the mediator's insistence that the couple resolve emotional issues before dealing with the substantive issues of the divorce. The second hallmark of the therapeutic model is the focus on the children and their needs. Mediators using such a model borrow extensively from therapeutic techniques in guiding and educating the parties. Male and female comediators are frequently used. The labor negotiations model, typically used in the private sector, focuses on balancing the power of the disputants and reaching agreements that facilitate the parties' economic independence. Techniques characteristic of labor negotiations are used. Structured mediation, introduced in 1974 by Coogler, shares characteristics of the two other models but is distinctive in relying on rules to guide decisionmaking, foster cooperation, and reduce anxiety. Couples should interview mediators to determine which mediation model they use and then decide whether or not the model is appropriate for their needs. 24 references.


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