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Modeling Long-Term Parent Outcomes of Two Universal Family-Focused Preventive Interventions: One-Year Follow-Up Results

NCJ Number
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology Volume: 67 Issue: 6 Dated: 1999 Pages: 975-84
Cleve Redmond; Richard Spoth; Chungyeol Shin; Heidi S. Lepper
Date Published
10 pages

The present investigation, extending prior work by R. Spoth, S. Redmond, and C. Shin, reported findings that 2 universal family-focused preventive intervention programs each had direct effects on a proximal parenting outcome (intervention-targeted parenting behaviors) and indirect effects on 2 global and distal outcomes (parent–child affective quality and general child management) at posttesting.


The present investigation, extending prior work by R. Spoth, S. Redmond, and C. Shin, reported findings that 2 universal family-focused preventive intervention programs each had direct effects on a proximal parenting outcome (intervention-targeted parenting behaviors) and indirect effects on 2 global and distal outcomes (parent–child affective quality and general child management) at posttesting. A replication of the previously tested parenting outcome model was conducted with 1-year follow-up data and procedures identical to those used in the earlier study. Results of the present study (N = 404 families) indicate that statistically significant effects on parenting outcomes were sustained through a 1-year period following the posttest. (Published Abstract Provided)