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Model Oral Argument

NCJ Number
Date Published
0 pages
This film presents a model oral argument in an appellate court setting. The defendant in the fictitious case was convicted of the sodomy/murder of a young boy.
The defense attorney argues that no direct evidence exists that the defendant committed the crime. The only evidence upon which conviction was based consisted of the defendant's palm prints on the exterior of the boy's home. The attorney reviews the facts of the case and the evidence found, emphasizing that certain evidence was improperly handled and that other facts favorable to the defendant, arising from the polygraph examination, were not admitted during the trial. In particular, evidence admitted at trial regarding the defendant's previous aberrant sex act prejudiced the case. The prosecutor then reviews the case, arguing that the evidence presented during the trial was sufficient to convict the defendant and that his conviction should not be overruled. At the conclusion of the film, the defense attorney makes the final presentation, emphasizing evidence supporting the defendant's claim that the judgment of the trial court should be overturned.


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