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Mixed-Method Approaches to Strengthen Economic Evaluations in Implementation Research

NCJ Number
Implementation Science Volume: 14 Dated: 2019
Alex R. Dopp; Peter Mundey; Lana O. Beasley; Jane F. Silovsky; Daniel Eisenberg
Date Published
9 pages
In order to maximize the contributions of economic evaluations to implementation science, this article recommends that researchers use a mixed-methods research agenda that merges traditional quantitative approaches with innovative, contextually grounded qualitative methods, which are currently rare, so this article assists Implementation scientists in adopting a mixed-methods approach by presenting an adapted taxonomy of mixed-methods studies relevant to economic evaluations.
The article then illustrates the application of mixed methods in a recently completed cost-effectiveness evaluation, making use of an adapted version of reporting standards for economic evaluations. The article concludes with the advice that by incorporating qualitative methods, implementation researchers can enrich their economic evaluations with detailed, context-specific information that tells the full story of the costs and impacts of implementation. Suggestions are provided for building a research agenda in mixed-method economic evaluation, along with more resources and training to support investigators who want to adopt mixed methods in economic evaluations. (publisher abstract modified)

Grant Number(s)
2010-WP-BX-K062, 2013-MU-MU-K102, 2016-MU-MU-K053
Sponsoring Agency
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP)

999 N. Capitol St. NE, Washington, DC 20531, United States

Publication Format
Publication Type
Research (Applied/Empirical)
Report (Study/Research)
Report (Grant Sponsored)
Program/Project Description
United States of America