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Missouri Juvenile Court Statistics, 1979

NCJ Number
Date Published
46 pages
The statistics reported here for 1979 comprise data from 43 Missouri juvenile courts in the State's counties and are primarily based on voluntarily supplied local data.
An overview is presented of the total number of reported juvenile court referrals from 1937 to 1979. Data indicate that between 1974 and 1979 child abuse and neglect referrals and adoption referrals increased more sharply than the combined number of delinquency, status, and traffic referrals. The statistics are organized into delinquency and status referrals and child abuse and neglect referrals. The first category provides information on the demographic characteristics of children referred and on postreferral procedures. Child abuse and neglect information concerns postreferral procedures. A breakdown of major referral types and dispositions by county and the standard court reporting form are appended. Extensive tabular data are given.