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Minnesota Crime Information 2000

NCJ Number
Kathleen F. Leatherman
Date Published
September 2001
161 pages
This report summarizes criminal activity in the State of Minnesota based on data collected from individual law enforcement agencies.
Presenting a summary of criminal activity from the year 2000 in the State of Minnesota, this report details offenses, clearances, and arrests reported by individual law enforcement agencies. Throughout this report, tables, charts, and graphs are employed to present crime statistics in Minnesota from the year 2000 and to compare previous years’ crime statistics to evaluate trends in criminal activity. Beginning by describing the various law enforcement agencies that contributed to this study, this report discusses crime and factors contributing to crime in order to describe various types of criminal offenses. After presenting an overview of statistics describing the classification of various crimes throughout Minnesota in the year 2000, this report details Minnesota’s violent crimes such as murder, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault, and describes crimes against property in Minnesota, such as burglary, larceny theft, motor vehicle theft, and arson. A discussion of general arrest information, year 2000 arrest statistics by reporting agency, and narcotic arrest information is followed by a comparison of urban and rural arrests and offenses for 2000. Discussing Minnesota’s law enforcement staff, this report presents the numbers of law enforcement officers killed or assaulted, the number of law enforcement officer firearms that were discharged, and police pursuits. After discussing bias motivated crimes, missing children in Minnesota, and county and municipal law enforcement agency offense information, this report provides a glossary of terms.


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