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Ministry of Justice Corporate Plan 1997-98

NCJ Number
Date Published
40 pages
This plan presents the priorities for action by the New Zealand Ministry of Justice for 1997-98, and outlines the Ministry's role, structure, staffing, vision, values, and projected work activities.
The five strategic priorities are to develop a strategy for responses to crime, to provide strategic purchase advice to government on the allocation of justice resources, to provide advice on constitutional law and other public law issues, to develop and implement the public sector's information strategy, and to manage electoral operations. The Ministry will also provide advice and present research findings on criminal justice policy, and provide advice on family, commercial, and property law. Its central development objectives for the coming year will be in relation to staff diversity and skill improvement, staff performance management, and improvement in information systems for both internal management purposes and to support policy work. Summaries of specific work activities, photographs, figures, and tables


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