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Ministry of Correctional Services Annual Report 1991

NCJ Number
Date Published
53 pages
This 1991 annual report of the Ontario Ministry of Correctional Services provides narrative and statistical information on community corrections, adult services, youth services, treatment services, facilities management, volunteers, parole, and finances.
During 1990-91 the ministry continued to expand programs and services in the area of community corrections. Initiatives included expansion of programming for native offenders in Northern Ontario, an increase in community- based residential programs, and an increase in services for the treatment of offenders in the community. Of the daily average of over 60,000 offenders under the supervision of the ministry in 1991, only 13.4 percent were in an institutional setting. In October 1990 the Supreme Court of Canada ruled that individuals have the right to a trial within a reasonable length of time. As a result of this decision, policymakers anticipate that the ministry will face an increase in inmates and probationers as the courts attempt to clear the backlog of cases and move more people through the justice system. To prepare for this, the ministry has allocated funds for the hiring of additional staff and the creation of over 400 temporary bedspaces at correctional institutions across the Province. Other areas of development included an increase in treatment programs for adults and young offenders in both institutional and community settings. Training in substance abuse programming was provided to open-custody staff throughout the Province. There was also limited expansion of correctional facilities in the Province. Statistical tables, glossary of terms, and appended information on residential and nonresidential community corrections contracts