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Mini-Mult Prisoner Questionnaire (MMPQ)

NCJ Number
JOURNAL OF FORENSIC PSYCHOLOGY Volume: 8 Issue: 1 Dated: (1981) Pages: 1-21
T A Kirk; J R Butler
Date Published
21 pages
The Mini-Mult Prisoner Questionnaire (MMPQ) was developed for use with prisoners as a shorter version of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI). Subjects were 488 inmates in a State correctional system.
Item analysis using regression was the primary technique along with multiple cross-validation. The MMPQ consists of 192 items from the full MMPI, chosen by the use of a stepwise linear regression procedure so that only those items providing the most variability in the full MMPI scores were retained. Also, a sufficient number of items were included to allow a suitable range and distribution of scores, and any items having an inordinate loading in the regression model were excluded so that unit weighting could be used in scoring the MMPQ. The results show clear support for the MMPQ providing a valid approximation of the full-scale MMPI. Scale reliabilities are clearly as high as those on the MMPI. Further, the same high-point scales were generally retained among the top three scales. The MMPQ will serve as an effective and efficient personality screening instrument for prisoner classification. Study data, footnotes, 19 references, and the MMPQ are attached. (Author abstract modified)


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