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Michigan State Court Administrator - 1978-1979 Report

NCJ Number
Date Published
463 pages
A landmark study of sentencing practices in Michigan trial courts was completed and several new laws having extensive impact on probate and district courts went into effect in 1979, including the new Probate Code and traffic decriminalization.
Detailed statistics are presented for the Michigan Supreme Court, the court of appeals, probate and juvenile courts, Detroit's Recorder's Court, and municipal court. Statistical profiles are given for the 14 urban circuit courts and statewide. Other data pertain to the district court, common pleas court, and court of claims. Caseloads, cases filed, and dispositions are indicated. Also included are statewide financial information; an explanation of assignment of judges; a legislative report; and annual reports from the Michigan Judicial Tenure Commission, the Michigan Attorney Grievance Commission, and the State Appellate Defender Office. Two supplements contain detailed statistics for individual circuit and district courts.