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Miami Boys Club Delinquency Prevention Program

NCJ Number
Educational Leadership Dated: (December 1985-January 1986) Pages: 76-78
P George; P Mooney
Date Published
3 pages
An innovative program in Miami, operated by the Boys Clubs and the Circuit Court's Juvenile Division, provides one year of rehabilitation to male juvenile delinquents who have had at least three court appearances and would otherwise be sentenced to a traditional detention facility.
Following orientation, each youngster is placed in reading, English, and mathematics classes and follows a rigid daily schedule consisting of academic instruction, counseling, and recreational activities at the Boys Club. Students who have completed the program exhibit lower rates of school absenteeism, reduced criminal activity, and improved school performance. The annual cost per participant of $4,200 in this private sector initiative is only one-third of that of State training schools. 1 reference