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Methodological Summary (From Multilateral Negotiation and Mediation, P 133-153, 1985, Arthur S Lall, ed. - See NCJ-100837)

NCJ Number
J Kaufmann
Date Published
21 pages
This essay summarizes the methodology for multilateral North-South (industrialized northern countries and less developed southern countries) negotiations aimed at achieving a better international economic order.
After listing the objectives of such negotiations, the essay describes the negotiating role of the governments involved as well as the effects of the group system (groups of nations forming to negotiate with other groups) on North-South negotiations. The facilitative role of international secretariats is also discussed, including factors directly affecting this role. Other roles considered are those of presiding officers and subsidiary actors such as intergovernmental organizations, nongovernmental organizations, and the private sector. A description of negotiating tactics encompasses techniques for advancing a proposal as well as opposing one. Suggestions for improving the negotiating system and methods include achieving greater clarity for objectives, setting the size of a negotiating meeting to inspire confidence in both those present and those absent, and carefully selecting where and how to deal with an issue. Elements of an optimal framework for North-South negotiations leading to a 'new multilateralism' are presented. 8 notes.