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Meta-Analysis of Drug Abuse Prevention Programs

NCJ Number
W J Bukoski
Date Published
267 pages
Eleven papers provide a current overview of the efficacy of drug abuse prevention programs and related measurement systems and help define the techniques used in meta-analysis of drug abuse prevention programs.
This monograph provides firsthand guidance in the application of research findings from meta-analysis and appropriate discussion of key technical procedures that should be considered in conducting future meta-analyses of drug abuse prevention research. It also helps to delineate what prevention programs and policies appear to be the most effective in combatting drug abuse by adolescents and young adults who may be entering the workplace. The first paper presents a meta-analysis of adolescent drug abuse prevention research findings, followed by a paper that provides a meta-analysis of integrity tests for predicting drug and alcohol abuse. A third paper provides an approach for meta-analysis of drug-related risk and protective factors research. In the second section of the monograph, several papers explore the appropriateness and special methodological considerations that must be addressed when conducting a meta- analysis of the drug abuse prevention research literature. For the first three papers, see NCJ-176724-26. Chapter references and data