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Merge Notification Service Specification, Version 1.0

NCJ Number
Date Published

This service specification package provides a Service Interface Description Document and a Service Description Document, as well as other relevant toolkit files regarding artifacts, samples, and schemas, as well as catalog and metadata files.


This toolkit provides documentation relevant for the Merge Notification Service (MNS) Specification, version 1.0. The Global Reference Architecture (GRA) MNS Service Interface Description Document (SIDD) is a description of the physical implementation of the service; it provides an introduction, description of the physical model, detailed information about the service interaction requirements, interface description requirements, message exchange patterns, message definition mechanisms, policies and contracts, security information, privacy information, and service testing. The Service Description Document (SDD) contains information about all aspects of the service not directly tied to the physical implementation of the MNS. The MNS provides multiple individual system records which, based on certain criteria, represent the same real-world entity. The purpose of the MNS is to provide information about those individual system records. THE SDD is organized into the following sections: service overview; business scenarios; service interoperability requirements; additional information; and service model, including information and behavior model, information.