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Mentoring for Enhancing Career Interests and Exploration

NCJ Number
Rebecca Stelter; Theresa Melton; Kelly Stewart
Date Published
December 2021
83 pages

This review examines research on the role of mentoring in facilitating career interest and exploration for adolescents under 18 years old.


The analysis addresses four issues. One of the issues examined is the effects of mentoring on a youth’s career interests and exploration (CIE). A second focus pertains to the factors involved in the influence of mentoring on CIE. A third issue discussed involves the identification of the most important features of mentoring that have beneficial effects on CIE. The fourth focus of this analysis is an assessment of the effectiveness of various efforts to implement and impact mentoring practices related to youths’ CIE. One conclusion among the 10 conclusions drawn from this study is that although a broad range of mentoring programs have addressed CIE outcomes, few have been properly evaluated for their long-term outcomes; however, such mentoring efforts have had some success in promoting career-related outcomes for youth. Many such mentoring practices with CIE-targeted intervention have impacted specific youth populations in entering particular fields of study. Another finding is that same-sex mentors for females have influenced their interest in traditionally male-dominated career fields. Other conclusions pertain to age-related CIE impacts, impacts on youth who lack parental CIE constructive guidance, incorporating CIE activities into fun activities, fostering an image of a future self, and mentor training in CIE-related practices. 90 references