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Mental Illness in America's Prisons

NCJ Number
H J Steadman, J J Cocozza
Date Published
244 pages
This monograph contains the most thorough, updated reviews of the empirical literature on the prevalence of mental disorder among prison inmates and on prison mental health services.
Following the introductory chapter, six review chapters provide an overview of prison inmates with mental disorders, reflect the flow of the disordered offender through the criminal justice system, and focus on a subgroup of mentally ill offenders. Specifically, these chapters review epidemiological studies of mental disorder in prisons and current practices in providing mental health services to inmates; the legal context for mental health services; the procedures by which mentally ill offenders are screened and assessed; current modes of treating mentally ill offenders; and discharge planning and community-based services for this population. A separate chapter deals with issues related to inmates with co-occurring substance abuse and mental health disorders. The final chapter contains recommendations on improving the services provided to mentally ill inmates and to forging a national strategy to achieve these goals. Chapter references and 1 appendix