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Mental Health Services & Women Inmates

NCJ Number
American Jails Volume: 14 Issue: 2 Dated: May/June 2000 Pages: 39-42
Allan F. Rice Ph.D.; Larry L. Smith D.S.W; Fred V. Janzen Ph.D.
Date Published
4 pages
In this article, the authors discuss the importance of proper provision of mental health services to female inmates as a way to prevent recidivism.
The article provides an overview of the processes used for the assessment, evaluation, and treatment of mental health needs among the roughly 200 female inmates in the Salt Lake County Jail (Utah). The services discussed and provided include drug treatment group therapy, drug education groups, anger management group treatment, individual mental health counseling, and suicide prevention services. An individual case study of a female detentioner who received suicide prevention services, individual counseling, and referral for substance treatment is presented. In general, the program officers at the Salt Lake County Jail found that women inmates were more likely than their male counterparts to utilize available mental health services. Additionally, for most detentioners, jail is their first contact with mental health services. 5 References