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Mental Health and Law: Research, Policy and Services

NCJ Number
B D Sales, S A Shah
Date Published
384 pages
This book examines research into mental health and law interactions and how this research forms the basis for policy revision and clinical services.
The 12 articles in this volume concern: (1) definition and perspective in mental health and law interactions; (2) involuntary civil commitment to inpatient facilities; (3) involuntary civil commitment to outpatient facilities; (4) guardianship for mentally ill persons; (5) clinical assessments for legal decision-making; (6) treatment of forensic patients; (7) settings for providing criminal and civil mental health services; (8) financing of mental health services; (9) legal processing of sex offenders; (10) criminalizing the seriously mentally ill; (11) law and mental health issues affecting minors; and (12) a therapeutic jurisprudence perspective on law and mental health interactions. Each chapter assesses the current state of research and identifies major gaps, problems and areas requiring new or additional research. Notes, tables, figures, references, index