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Mediation Training for Middle School Students (Excerpts From Training Manual)

NCJ Number
Date Published
20 pages
This excerpted manual was developed as part of a curriculum on conflict resolution designed especially for middle school students.
The program can be used to train a core group of students to act as mediators for other students who have disputes or it may be offered to every student in the school. Major topics included in the program include the conflict manager process, cultural diversity and conflict, communication skills, feelings, mediation techniques, dealing with difficult situations, and being one's own mediator. This interactive, action-oriented program consists of demonstrations, exercises, discussion, and role play practice. The program is divided into four training sessions, which should optimally be presented within a 2- or 3-week period, and one follow-up session, which should be presented 6 weeks to 2 months later, after the students have begun to practice the conflict manager process. The core group of students chosen to be conflict managers should include some who exhibit anger management issues as well as others who are shy and avoid conflict; the group may also include students with well-developed social skills. The coordinator of the mediation program is the school point person who receives written referrals for dispute resolution and assigns a team of mediators to meet with disputants. The coordinator keeps all mediation contracts on file and holds periodic peer consultation meetings with the student mediators. Through mediation or conflict management, students can learn to use effective listening skills, to express themselves clearly and positively, and to deal with conflict constructively, both in the classroom and outside.


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