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Mediation - An Old Art Revitalized

NCJ Number
Mediation Quarterly Issue: 3 Dated: (March 1984) Pages: 59-98
J Blades
Date Published
40 pages
An overview of divorce mediation addresses its origins, couple participants, mediators, benefits, mediation stages, and techniques.
Reasons for and benefits of divorce mediation precede descriptions of its five stages (definition, negotiation, agreement, and contracting). Other topics are mediation rules and techniques, individual caucusing, and children in the mediation session. Attorneys' and mental health professionals' roles in mediation (not as mediators) are reviewed, followed by consideration of attorneys as divorce mediators. Signs of readiness to mediate and profiles of couples who use mediation are included. An explanation of the legally binding character of divorce mediation agreements and procedures for mediator selection conclude the overview. Figures distinguish the roles of nondirective and directive mediators, list the characteristics of a successful mediation, and define types of mediation. A figure also indicates the types of mediation typically conducted by attorney, mental health professional, and attorney/mental health professional mediators. 5 references.


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