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Media Pack: The Lockerbie Trial

NCJ Number
Date Published
59 pages
This manual provides information useful and pertinent to media personnel prior to their attendance at the Scottish Court in the Netherlands that will try the two defendants accused of instigating the bombing of the civilian aircraft Pan Am 103 near Lockerbie Scotland in December 1988; the trial will start May 3, 2000.
The manual first describes the site of the Scottish Court in the Netherlands, which is to be Kamp van Zeist, a former military base near the town of Zeist in central Holland. In addition to the description of the site, directions to it are provided. The Media Centre and services for media personnel at the site are described as well. The costs of the trial and the biographies of key participants are also included. The latter include judges, other court personnel, senior police officers, prison personnel, and site police commanders. The court service operation, the police operation, and the prison operation are explained. Court information encompasses session times, etiquette, and court design. A section of the manual addresses assistance to families of victims. Information on the trial includes a description of trial procedures, the events leading up to the trial, and key dates. Other sections of the manual present information on the indictment of the two defendants and on access to and procedures and rules pertinent to media facilities at the trial site.