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Measuring Work Performance and Employee Efficiency (From Management Career Development Seminar - See NCJ-86239)

NCJ Number
Date Published
15 pages
With increased professionalization of the police and public demand for higher quality police service, supervisory officers are faced with increased responsibility for inspection.
Inspection does not create quality, but it does establish control, which provides the means for measuring performance. If a department's organizational structure is sound, the authority in charge should be able to pinpoint failures and accomplishments. Inspection is a supervisory technique designed to improve work performance and to bring about more effective, efficient, and economical operations. The supervisors' success depends largely on their skill in appraising, counseling, coaching, complimenting, and constructively criticizing subordinates' work performance. Performance standards can be established for each individual position; however, care should be taken to develop reasonable, attainable standards. The supervisor should interpret the standards and explain how they will apply to the specific duties and responsibilities of the employee's job. An employee's performance record should be reviewed and analyzed when the official performance rating and appraisal is due. These reviews, particularly for performance rating, involve a more thorough analysis and appraisal of the total job as well as individual elements and categories of performance. Performance checklists for various aspects of police work and appraisal forms are given. (Author summary modified)