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Measuring Treatment Resistance in Offender Counseling

NCJ Number
Journal of Addictions and Offender Counseling Volume: 22 Issue: 2 Dated: April 2002 Pages: 72-82
Robert A. Shearer; Guy D. Ogan
Date Published
11 pages
This article discusses the potentials of using the Correctional Treatment Resistance Scale as a screening instrument in treating substance abuse.
Addressing the question of the willingness of drug offenders to participate in substance abuse counseling, this article explores the psychometric properties of the Correctional Treatment Resistance Scale (CTRS) in order to test its potential usefulness in treating substance abuse. In this pilot study designed to quantify overall resistance to correctional treatment, the authors discuss issues involved in counseling resistance in order to justify the development of a measuring instrument to quantify offenders’ resistance to counseling. The CTRS was to identify the level and types of resistance, indicated by institutional offenders, to substance abuse counseling. The CTRS consisted of seven scales that comprised five items each. The instrument was a 35-item questionnaire that used an agree-undecided-disagree response format. The scales were Isolation, Counselor Distrust, Compliance, Low Self-Disclosure, Cynicism, Denial and Cultural Issues. The authors also discussed the CTRS psychometric properties and explored the properties of reliability and validity to determine whether the scale performed according to expectations. The reliability and and validity were assessed by conducting a study of 61 male offenders from a prerelease center in a correctional department in the southwestern United States. From the study results the authors concluded that the CTRS shows promise in screening offenders for participation in substance abuse counseling programs. Tables, references


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