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Measuring Inappropriate Responses of Adolescents to Problematic Social Situations in Secure Institutional and Correctional Youth Care: A Validation Study of the TOPS-A

NCJ Number
Journal of Interpersonal Violence Volume: 28 Issue: 8 Dated: May 2013 Pages: 1579-1595
G. H. P. Van Der Helm, Ph.D.; W. Matthys, M.D., Ph.D.; X. Moonen, Ph.D.; N. Giesen, M.SC.; E S. Van Der Heide, M.SC.; G. J. J. M. Stams, Ph.D.
Date Published
May 2013
17 pages
The present study examined the construct, concurrent and divergent validity, and reliability of the "Taxonomy of Problematic Social Situations-Adolescent self-report version" (TOPS-A) in a sample of 128 adolescents placed in Dutch secure juvenile facilities.
The instrument measures inappropriate responses of adolescents to problematic social situations at the living group. Confirmatory factor analysis of a four-factor model (inappropriate responses to situations of disadvantage, competition, accepting/giving help, and accepting authority) with a second-order factor (inappropriate responses to problematic social situations) showed an exact fit to the data, indicating construct validity of the TOPS-A. Evidence for concurrent validity was found in associations with aggression and living group climate. Divergent validity could not be reliably assessed. Cronbach's a reliability coefficients were satisfactory. The TOPS-A is a parsimonious instrument that can be used to assess and target inappropriate responses to problematic social situations in (delinquent) adolescents in secure institutional and correctional youth care. Abstract published by arrangement with Sage Journals.