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Measurement of Craving

NCJ Number
Journal of Addictive Diseases Volume: 20 Issue: 3 Dated: 2001 Pages: 67-85
Juris P. Mezinskis Ph.D.; Lara Honos-Webb Ph.D.; Frankie Kropp M.S.; Eugene Somoza M.D.
Date Published
19 pages
This article presents an overview of the definition and measurement of craving as applied to research on alcohol and drug abuse.
The analysis describes and organizes examples of craving measures in terms of whether they structure craving as a single factor or as a multifactorial construct. The analysis also considers the application of craving scales in cue-conditioning studies, in medication treatment trials, and as outcome measures in other treatment studies. The analysis concludes that no single craving scale or type of scale has unequivocal support, because few studies have administered more than one scale to the same population. The analysis also concludes that designing studies that compare and contrast several craving scales within the same study will aid understanding of craving and that future analyses should compare several alternative relapse mechanisms within the same study. Figure and 79 references (Author abstract modified)