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Maximum-Security Custody in Britain and the USA

NCJ Number
British Journal of Criminology Volume: 31 Issue: 2 Dated: (Spring 1991) Pages: 126-152
R D King
Date Published
27 pages
Detailed comparisons are made between the custodial conditions and the evaluation by prisoners of those conditions in two maximum security prisons: Oak Park Heights, a new generation last resort prison in Minnesota, and Gartree, a maximum-security dispersal prison in Leicestershire, England; both prisons deal with substantially similar populations.
The same researcher spent over four months of fieldwork in each prison using similar research instruments for data collection. Oak Park Heights is perceived to be safer, more secure, and more trouble-free. It offers a much fuller and more highly rated program of treatment, industry, and education and provides better contact with the outside world. Gartree prisoners were more fearful that they might deteriorate physically or mentally. The comparison suggests that possibly the "new generation" designs can contribute to a sense of security and provide foundations upon which staff can build more rewarding prison regimes. 5 figures, 6 tables, and 27 references (Author abstract modified)


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