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Massachusetts Parole Board - Releases from State Institutions, 1977

NCJ Number
C Farrow; I Dondley
Date Published
77 pages
A series of tables present data on 1977 parole board releases from Massachusetts State institutions.
The material is divided into five sections, the first of which contains descriptive variables such as sex, ethnicity, marital status, education, and work experience of the 1977 parole releases. Also presented are prior criminal history variables such as age at first arrest; prior juvenile incarcerations; prior county, State, or Federal incarcerations; and juvenile parole and prior adult paroles. Data on commitment variables are grouped in another section and include committing institution, age at incarceration, present offense, and sentencing data. The concluding sections offer furlough variables and release variables such as age at release, parole region, city/town and county of release, and living arrangement.