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Massachusetts Department of Youth Services Caseworker's Manual

NCJ Number
B Taub
Date Published
86 pages
This Massachusetts Department of Youth Services (DYS) Caseworker's Manual provides a uniform set of guidelines, operating procedures, and standards for DYS caseworkers, casework supervisors, and privately contracted programs.
The manual emphasizes the assessment of a youth's needs, the development of a treatment plan, and the ongoing contact of the DYS caseworker with the client and the service provider. An overview of DYS casework provides an analysis of adolescence, the roles and tasks of the caseworker, and the working principles of casework. The DYS client pathway from arraignment to discharge is discussed, including detention, commitment and referral, intake, staffing and treatment planning, services and placement, ongoing case management, and termination. The section on casework supervision focuses on case review, administration, support, and other forms of supervision. The concluding section provides guidance on preparing for court, the caseworker presentation in court, and standard court reports. In addition to providing a glossary of commonly used terms, the appendixes cover basic DYS service categories; laws, policies, and rules; recordkeeping; an example of a treatment plan; a DYS organizational chart; DYS regional offices; and relevant DYS statistics. A bibliography of 52 listings is also provided.